Saturday, December 26, 2009

I'm Back, and Merry Christmas!

Oh it's been so long!

I have certainly been busy, but that's no excuse.  Now that the holidays are over, all the Christmas presents are finished, and the family is gone, I have some time to reflect and get back in gear.

I have a bit of a cold today, so I have set aside all the projects I've been planning and parked myself in front of the computer with water and vitamin C.  I've been wanting to find more vintage/fashion inspired blogs, so I set about finding some.

Some of my favorites are:
Casey's Elegant Musings 
The Freelancer's Fashionblog
Q's Daydream Vintage

I have a long list of projects that I would ultimately like to feature on my blog, but I am sorely behind.  And the list just keeps getting longer!  One trip to Joann Fabrics and I suddenly have 6 new projects.  Most of them are for fun, or projects around the house, so now that I have finished making everyone's Christmas presents and gotten my Etsy orders taken care of, I don't feel quite so selfish working on some of these things.

I did manage to make a fantastic green wool skirt (Burda 8155, thank you Gertie) for myself just in time for Thanksgiving.  I also wore it on Christmas Eve...

Here is a snapshot (a bit wrinkley around the middle, ah well).

Isn't this the classic Christmas Portrait?  We look so festive!  Isn't my husband a fox?

I hope you all had a fabulous holiday!